Training room with desktop simulators


Desktop or Digital

We have simulators for all learning situations.

We can work with your company to benefit you the most.  We can send a trainer and equipment for workshops or make sure an instructor is prepared to lead your own workshops.  Contact Us to find the best fit!

When an HVAC Simulator is used together with our workbooks the benefits are:

  • Standard Scenarios: The curriculum standardizes scenarios or situations that all students must navigate through. These scenarios are carefully designed to cover essential learning objectives and ensure that all students are exposed to fundamental concepts.
  • Structured Learning Paths: The curriculum offers a structured learning path. These paths ensure that students are exposed to the necessary information and skills in a logical sequence.
  • Repetition and Practice: The curriculum allows students to repeat scenarios or tasks as many times as needed to reinforce learning and improve proficiency. This repetition fosters mastery and ensures that students have ample opportunity to practice skills in a safe environment.
  • Varied Learning Styles: While curriculums present standardized scenarios, it accommodates different learning styles through various presentation formats, interactive elements, and multimedia resources. This ensures that students with different preferences and strengths can engage with the material effectively.
  • Reflection and Debriefing: Following the exercises, students often participate in reflection and debriefing sessions facilitated by educators. These sessions provide an opportunity for students to discuss their experiences, share insights, and connect their simulation experiences to broader learning objectives.


Desktop Simulators

Digital Simulators

Digital Electrical HVAC Simulator
Heating and Cooling Curriculum
Technician Version


Digital Electrical HVAC Simulator
Heating and Cooling Curriculum
Instructor Version


* Desktop can be purchas and digital simulators cannot be purchased together through our website. However, they cannot be ordered together with a te via our Contact Us page or call us directly.


Digital Simulators

Refrigeration, cooling, theory

Digital Comfort Cooling Simulator


Nauman Innovation Group LLC
2601 W Lake Ave, Ste A6 #145
Peoria, Illinois 61615

(309) 323-0013